Are you struggling with time, constant clock watching, being on time, not enough time in the day, running out of time, management of time just seems to be a hard struggle to overcome? What if you could use a wristwatch clock and cellphone-time keepers, objects that occupy our sights daily everywhere, as reminders and means of resetting our focus on the spot.
The intent here is to transform distracting habits of time watching into building a better life focus and maintain more balance in our energetic relationships as we move through life. The purpose of this self-training-practice is to Create More Time For You. All of us without a doubt would love more time for ourselves to do whatever it is we do to relax restore and rejuvenate our being.
Here´s the reasoning behind using the wristwatch clocks and cellphone-time keepers, these are simple common things we see watch and look at off and on all day long. I´d like to personally challenge you to challenge yourselves in a simple exercise of taking a complete exhalation and be aware of the cool inhalation... repeat... every-time you come into view of a clock watch or cellphone-time keeper, repeat exhale watch the cool inhalation...repeat...
With this practice you´ll develop your very own personal way of responding to time, in and out of time then Create More Time For You using time. Core breathing is the game changer. The results of this personal response practice are self-motivating and self-inspiring, to say the lease. Join us in this life enhancing experience. The exhalation transforms the stress of time into opportunities of personal growth, through engaging our diaphragm, parasympathetic and autonomic nerve response, bringing more calmness to the mind a stronger core and a sense of being grounded. The Time You Create for you in this exercise is going to come uniquely and I´ll leave it up to you to share your personal experience and results, here in conversation...enjoy and REMEMBER...all is breathing related...

Breath itself is universal, and breathing is personal from our first breath to our last. Our problems continue to dominate our head-space until we learn to breathe right for our type of life.
Helping to connect, reconnect and maintain awareness of a personal rhythmic flow is a significant focus in all our work at BREATHE About-Life. Once you set your intention, we show you how to use your breathing as a vehicle for your purpose, a better self-understanding, and, eventually, more time for yourself.
Stop watching the clock and watch your breathing change your life. Hit the chat-button bottom right corner, leave a message and get ready to witness breath breathing us for a change! 💚
Time is energy, everything is energy and both energy and time are regulated through how we´re responding to life experience in each breath. Where we give our attention, there is where our energy goes.
Here's one of my personal experiences that help me understand how to create more time for myself.
I was forced to retrieve my mind from distractions, by paying attention to my breath while holding a pose, modeling for The Artist Ben Long in a class at his Fine Arts School. I had never sat that long before, without moving, and I really did not know what I was doing.
After about 10 minutes into the pose, Ben gave me props on how well I was ab…